India is suffering from the people who never be obliged with the steps that must be taken way before. Indian leaders questioning out that government which being chosen by 100 crore public to take the decision which required for the sovereignty and integrity of India. The decision taken by the defense of any country, are the hardest decision in the world. The soldiers who are serving at Nation’s border they also have family and we must respect their life before use such words which affect and show Immaturity of Indian Leaders.
Rahul Gandhi shows very irresponsibility where he used the word ‘Dalal’ to the Prime Minister of India, without thinking a single thing in mind, he is also putting his effort to become the Prime Minister of India. Indian has to decide what kind of people they want to see as their leaders who just insulting not only soldier by questioning on their effort or the people who are working hard and putting nation’s first from their work.
How many leaders come across to say who did what? It is the soldier of India said that they did the surgical strike and if it did in other government it does not mean you start saying anything which not suits the moral of leadership.
@ArvindKejriwal who is the immature leader since we see his way of politics. He made his habit to find out mistakes or insulting the other leaders to be just in News.
Brother, you are doing these dirty politics and leaving alone to your family at home just because of these soldiers. These terrorists attacked your country peace, prosperity, and integrity, whose currency you are using, in results you lost 21 soldiers at URI, next in Baramullah. The country is really unfortunate to have the leaders like Arvind Kejriwal, Rahul Gandhi and some leader name Mr. Narayan who are showing so much immaturity.
I hope you are not the ‘Dalal’ of Terrorist. You are embarrassed the largest democratic verdict. If you believe Indian government is doing something against to those people who voted then as an opposition leader, you have rights to put your concern on behalf of your people and do anything to save the sovereignty and integrity of India. But please don’t do something that making India ashamed on International ground. Trust your soldier and work upon to make their family believes that you are with them and committed to giving safe life. That makes you a true leader and may be you get the chance to lead India in the future election.
Just to blame Modi or his activity never help you out.
I am not sure Indian would like to vote such immature leader in any elections.
The surgical strikes against those people who spread terrorism is the right of any nation who are against those terrorist. If any nation supports such terrorism must be declared as Terrorist State and do every required activity to cure these disease.
Indian leaders and every leader must understand that blame politics is no more works. #SayYesPostivePolitics #BoycottNegativePolitics
References to Read:
Unki(jawans) aap(PM) dalali kar rahe ho: Rahul Gandhi
— ANI (@ANI_news) October 6, 2016