Jawaharlal Nehru University Clashes: Brother against Brother, Sister against Sister In Proving Who is more patriotic 0 710

Jawaharlal Nehru University Clashes: Brother against Brother, Sister against Sister In Proving Who is more patriotic 0 711

In last few weeks we are keep on confronting about the Jawaharlal Nehru University clashes.  We see there are our brothers and sisters fighting with each other in proving about their way of patriotism.

We need to understand what is really the patriotism, is it to make yourself to look different from other, to demolish the property which is built on our or our parent taxes. People who support Afzal Guru make themselves correct by saying we are living in the democracy and we have right to follow what we feel right to follow.  But who is really the Afzal Guru and what he did that our court ordered death sentenced against him.

Afzal Guru was  the convict who attack on our parliament in 13th December 2001. India is burning guys and we are some how being misguided and not understand what really correct to make the peace.  India can only grow with all of us, if you believe just to make the Kashmir separated from India will work? We already had victims of partition and it never helps anyone and instead our thought process gone way back and we keep on finding the solution about how we can developed. If you believe Afzal Guru is the martyr then tell me from where he did his education. Unfortunately India is the country which help us to think in our own way and JNU was trying to give you support on behalf of non-violence to see how long it takes we to understand that we are one nation and just to support to the guy who was involved in such attacks will not help us out and we keep on going back from the development.

On what vision we involved in such activity, do you have any agenda what you will do if Kashmir will separated. Just think what china will do with Kashmir if it get separated from India,  similarly other neighbor like Pakistan.  Our diversities is our strength and use it in the development of nation.  It is very hard to aware everyone to have the thought process that help in development.

There is nothing in support of Afzal Guru or anyone and who believe that the people who do support actually it was not support towards Afzal Guru it is the event that is being organized to help to understand the Kashmiri migrants, this is we read from the Hindu:

The event organisers had pasted posters across the campus inviting students to gather for a protest march against “judicial killing of Afzal Guru and Maqbool Bhat” and in solidarity with the “struggle” of Kashmiri migrants at the Sabarmati dhaba in the campus.

Students say:

The students who were part of the committee that organised an event to mark the death anniversary of Afzal Guru said that none of them were part of the group that was shouting slogans.

A student who was a part of the event organising committee, told The Hindu: “The programme was a cultural evening organised to question the working of the Supreme Court. It was also meant to bring the grievances of the Kashmiri citizens to light. The struggles of ‘self-determination’ must be openly spoken about. Considering this is a democratic republic, why should dissent be suppressed?”

Arrest of Kanhaiya Kumar

JNU Students Union president Kanhaiya Kumar was arrested on sedition charges after allegations of ‘anti-national’ sloganeering against him surfaced. He was ordered to three days of police custody.

JNUSU president Kanhaiya Kumar. Photo: Sandeep Saxena

Why did the police take action?

The police struck after videos of the alleged protest went viral. Home Minister Rajnath Singh talked to Delhi Police Commissioner B.S. Bassi and released a statement: “If anyone raises anti-India slogans, tries to raise questions on the country’s unity and integrity, they will not be spared.”

Students protest ‘police raj’ within campus

Students of JNU gave a shutdown call, saying that they will not allow classes to be held on the campus till students’ union president Kanhaiya Kumar is released. JNU teachers too, joined the students in boycotting classes and said they would take classes on “nationalism” in the varsity lawns.

The university teachers had earlier rallied behind its protesting students and questioned the administration’s decision to allow the police crackdown on the campus even as they appealed to the public not to “brand” the institution as “anti-national” but they had not joined the strike earlier.

Police personnel guard the entrance of JNU. Photo: PTI
Brother these are inside the perimeter and if we want to help our brothers and sisters who live in Kashmir or anywhere in the world then we should give them the chance to speak and put their concerns so that those can be solved. Suppression cannot be the right way to do it. We already suffered a lot from the divide and rule policy of East India Company or Britain and still  we are doing the same.
Our freedom fighter Martyr Bhagat Singh never want such independence where we will not listen each other and keep on ruining the peace of our country.  We are patriotic and we love our country and we are working upon its development.  We will not tolerate incident which are against our country but we also know that nation without people is never helped to any nation.
In the end we only say whenever two brothers or sisters fight with each other then their parents punish both of them to teach them the lesson of love, wisdom, unity, importance of each in life, how unity helps them to grow. If you have mind you will understand what we want to say.
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