Anti National Vs Bhakt Vs Nationalist – A New Version of Discrimination 0 Comments 1821

Anti National Vs Bhakt Vs Nationalist – A New Version of Discrimination 0 Comments 1822

I am not sure anyone needs to prove the love towards the nation. But at present, the social media war going on is truly shows, how much we are still uneducated.

What is a religion? Religion is just a path to follow in life to reach to the infinity which we believe where the God lives.

People usually identified by their way of following the religion but that also become the part of discrimination later on. I will try to explain with my narrow mind about how come every religion is same and how come we are just fooling ourselves by considering them different.

We are the part of Indus Valley Civilization, which was situated near Sindhu river, so the people living at that area being called as Hindu. What really the Hindu follows? Hindu only follow to work or Karma and believe in that every things on the earth  or universe whether it is living and non-living is God.  But it is the belief of the Hinduism because of the books or Vedas or Bhagwat Geeta which usually called Hindu Holy book but truly speaking it is the neutral holy book that helps to clear your mind to understand what should be the best way to live the life to reach towards peace and happiness.

In any Vedas or Bhagwat Geeta none of them mentioned the word Hindu in it. So must not be misunderstood it with the religion. We have many stories about the God that were being written to guide the people to live the life correctly and respect each other.

When there is the concern about who is big male or female then there was the evolution of God Shankar which is the part of Shiv that make us to believe with Goddess Parvati the concept of Ardhnarishwar.Picture of Ardhnarishwar

That was an attempt to the human civilization is to respect woman equally. So this is what Hindu follows. Similarly, there are many stories you can read in Vedas, and books which follow by the Hindu.

It is obvious we have mind and we have right to use it so we just change the protocols and create other protocols. Those protocols also were to have the life to enjoy being human and live the life fully and be believe in the supreme power which is the God.  The name of such protocols are Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity, and might be more branches.

We usually read about two things in these holy books about the generation, one is Suryavanshi and other is Chandravanshi. On the basis of the stories, we have read and understand the reason to be human. These two generation were living for a long time which has the story of Raja Harishchandra,  Shree Ram and then Pandava etc. We also read about the Yadav vansh , a generation of Shri Krishna which try to give you completely different thought where a woman can have five husbands with respect. Hindu believed in it.

Hindu never be the part of division they taught their female equally to their male. Anyway that not make sense to many of the other believer who follows different protocol to worship the God.  I would like to tell you these books are not developed or created by Hindu or anyone. That written by someone who built the human so that they can have the better living. Don’t get it.

Just think, one day one of the scientist with the nanotechnology able to create cells and with those cells he/she can able to developed the body that has brain and understand what is going on. Then what he will do. He would like them to live happily so wrote some understanding and tell them that if you will not live peacefully he will come back and may destroy you all and recreate competely new era.

Still don’t get it.

When people follows different protocols then they started trying to prove that their protocol is much better than anyone else. That’s ok, after all, we have the manipulative mind.

So keep each other protocol safe we have created countries with boundary and try to live with our own protocol. Where one country being developed as Bharat where many people of many religion came and use the country which live on the basis of spirituality, equality and peacefully.

Bharat is not just country, it is the country that has many people who can follow many ways to reach to the God. But in the present scenario the people who live in country named as India has one constitution which must be follow by every Indian citizen. That simply means we have one common protocols to follow to live in one country that was written by us to give best opportunity to develop our country. But what we are doing?

We keep on fighting on useless topic, busy in debating to prove our intelligence etc.  In present Politics, some people try to prove someone is right and someone is wrong. But actually no one is right because both are on the destructive part of one nation.

One should not be favor blindly to anyone else we have known the consequences in past from the Mahabharat. To hurt each other never help you out. I believe as a Nationalist and citizen of India I will not tolerate the way we support the destruction of India unless it is a legitimate requirement.

Don’t be fool around with any of the destructive activity, those who keep participated in debating or analyzing with the short mind that never be constructive we cannot expect oneness in them.

I will say to you don’t divide the Nation on the name of Nationalist, Bhakt, Anti-Nationalist now. We are all brother and sisters who living in a country named Bharat and we should believe into the Growth of it. It may be possible the government which we verdict in the elections as per the process mentioned in the constitution of India, we may not be  happy with them.

But to make them incorrect we started to divide one country again into two parts then it is also not acceptable.  We should work to make our government to understand to grow with us. Avoid using our taxes incorrectly that we are paying for the sake of the country, we are providing them luxurious life so that during the high pressure of work they cannot feel restless. Unfortunately, Indian politics is not that much mature which understand the development of the country and its people. We have still many tribes who are untouched by our government.

Do you understand what I try to tell you? Don’t follow anyone who says to kill other person just because he is not satisfied by the thought of that person, similarly, don’t follow those who says to divide one nation on the name of caste, or work like the nationalist, anti-nationalist etc.

I request you all stop sharing such videos , photos which are just showing the destruction of human civilization or any civilization or kind a environment which creates anger for the people in the same country. #Don’tSupportKanhainya, #Don’tSupportABVP #OnlySupportIndianConstitution #OnlySupportIndia #StopfollowingUmarKhalid


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