
Are we living in the sick world?

When we understand that we are all part of women.  Two news that make you and me to think are we living in the sick world.

United Nation Concern

Ban Ki Moon, United Nation Secretary

The United Nations on Friday reported a “deeply concerning” increase in allegations of sex abuse by its peacekeepers, with 69 claims last year against troops from 21 countries.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for on-site court-martials while the United States said it was preparing the first Security Council draft resolution on measures to tackle the wave of accusations.

For the first time, Ban released the nationalities of troops facing allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation in his annual report as part of a new push to pressure countries to take action.

Topping the “name and shame” list was the Democratic Republic of Congo, whose troops faced seven allegations, followed by Morocco and South Africa, each hit with four accusations.

Most of the allegations involved troops and police from African countries: Cameroon, Congo, Tanzania, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Gabon, Ghana, Madagascar, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal and Togo.

Peacekeeping police from Canada and Germany, as well as soldiers from Moldova and Slovakia, also faced allegations.

Two UN missions accounted for the majority of claims: the MINUSCA force in the Central African Republic and MONUSCO in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but there were also cases in Ivory Coast, Mali and six other missions.

The 69 allegations represent a “marked increase” from 52 in 2014 and 66 the previous year, said the report that described the increase as “deeply concerning.”

At least 22 children were sexually abused by peacekeepers, according to the report, but that figure may be higher as the age of the victims was not always determined.

‘No Prosecution’

None of last year’s cases have yet resulted in criminal prosecution, according to the report.

Under UN rules, it is up to the country that contributed the troops to investigate and prosecute those accused of misconduct while serving under the UN flag.

But human rights groups have complained about the lack of accountability for UN peacekeepers: many have avoided investigation altogether in their home countries or received light punishment.

A proposed US resolution would push the UN to expel entire peacekeeping contingents whose soldiers face sex abuse allegations if no action is taken by their countries to investigate or prosecute them.

The UN chief has ordered the repatriation of troops from the Central African Republic, but a Security Council resolution would significantly raise the stakes on this issue.

“The point of our resolution is to send a strong signal that the Security Council will not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse in UN peacekeeping,” said a US official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The United States is the biggest financial contributor to UN peacekeeping, funding 28 percent of the UN’s $8.3 billion-budget for the 16 missions worldwide.

The United Nations has been badly shaken by the wave of allegations of sex abuse by the troops it deploys in missions with a clear mandate to protect civilians.

An independent panel concluded in December that the United Nations had grossly mishandled serious cases of child rape in the Central African Republic despite the official zero-tolerance policy on sexual violence.

The UN chief is recommending a six-month limit for investigations, establishing on-site courts martial for soldiers and requiring peacekeeping countries to provide DNA samples of their soldiers on missions.

Defending UN efforts to root out such crimes, UN peacekeeping under-secretary-general Atul Khare said that “anyone serving under the UN flag should prey on the vulnerable is truly an abomination.”

“We will never, never agree to protectors turning into predators,” said Khare.

The Security Council will discuss the report and the proposed US resolution during a meeting next week, diplomats said.

Source: http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/un-sees-rise-in-allegations-of-sex-abuse-by-peacekeepers-1284129
Other news is from the dream city of India, Mumbai, shameful.

Indian women reclaim public spaces, defying male critics

It began with two Indian women hanging out on Mumbai streets in defiance after a series of violent crimes against women. It has since grown and even spread to Pakistan, as women assert their right to public spaces in male-dominated societies.

The Why Loiter? street campaign was inspired by a book of the same name, that examined the risks for women on Mumbai’s streets. It came as an intense spotlight fell on women’s safety in India following the 2012 fatal gang rape of a student on a bus in Delhi and the 2014 rape of a woman by her Uber taxi driver in Delhi.

While the 2012 gang rape triggered massive protests and led to the tightening of rape laws in India, some of the reaction to it and the Uber rape blamed the victims, said Sameera Khan, co-author of Why Loiter?

“It’s the same blame game every time: why was she out that time of night? Why was she alone? Or who was she with? It’s all so hostile, and made out to be the victim’s fault,” said Khan in Mumbai.

“But why is it okay for women to only be out at certain times or for certain reasons? Why should anyone question a woman’s right to be in a public space at any time?”

The number of rapes in India rose by 9 percent to 33,707 in 2014, according to official data. The country’s conservative and patriarchal attitudes mean victims of sexual assault are often shunned by their families and communities and blamed for the violence perpetrated against them, say activists and lawyers.

While the numbers of working women and female students are on the rise in India, it is unusual to see women out by themselves at night. In a Thomson Reuters Foundation poll of 15 of the world’s major cities, Delhi ranked as having the fourth most dangerous transport systems for women.

Mumbai, India’s financial hub, is regarded as being safer, but attitudes toward women in public spaces are just as conservative, said Neha Singh.

Singh leads women on walks and bicycle rides in various parts of the city with other women, and curates a blog called Why Loiter? The women have encountered men who follow them and heckle them, and policemen telling them to go home.

“The concept that women, like men, can just be loitering in a public space, without doing anything else, is so alien to them,” she said.

“They immediately think she must be a prostitute or somehow inviting trouble and must be told off or sent home,” said Singh, after a rehearsal of a play called Loitering, to be staged on March 8 to mark International Women’s Day.

The campaign has prompted a demand to relax curfews in Indian colleges, where women have stricter curfews than men, and a movement in Pakistan called Girls@Dhabas, referring to the no-frills restaurants typically frequented by young men.

In India, recent campaigns including #SelfiewithDaughter and Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Beti padhao, beti bachao’ (educate your daughter, save your daughter) have helped increase awareness of women’s rights.

New Delhi is now one of 25 cities which are part of the United Nations’ safe cities project, with measures to improve street lighting, install toilets, set up helplines and strengthen laws on sexual harassment.

Municipal officials however, admit that ending sexual violence will also need sustained public campaigns that dispel sexism and challenge gender stereotypes.

“We cannot, as a nation, claim progress until women can feel safe anywhere at anytime,” said Singh.

Source: http://in.reuters.com/article/india-women-campaign-idINKCN0W61AX

Still we don’t feel ashamed after reading these news and working on find out faults in women itself. See yourself in the mirror you face some part resembles to your mother.  If you respect women then the growth of this world will be possible, because we all aware that our first teacher is always our mother. And think if she is not getting respect which is her rights  then what she will teach and what kind of society will be born.  Don’t be sick be make this world a better place to live.

Read these poem may will help us to understand that why we should give respect to our women.

१. जब नारी में शक्ति सारी
फिर क्यों नारी हो बेचारी

२. नारी का जो करे अपमान
जान उसे नर पशु समान

३.हर आंगन की शोभा नारी
उससे ही बसे दुनिया प्यारी

४.राजाओं की भी जो माता
क्यों हीन उसे समझा जाता

५.अबला नहीं नारी है सबला
करती रहती जो सबका भला

६.नारी को जो शक्ति मानो
सुख मिले बात सच्ची जानो

७.क्यों नारी पर ही सब बंधन
वह मानवी , नहीं व्यक्तिगत धन

८.सुता बहु कभी माँ बनकर
सबके ही सुख-दुख को सहकर
अपने सब फर्ज़ निभाती है
तभी तो नारी कहलाती है

९.आंचल में ममता लिए हुए
नैनों से आंसु पिए हुए
सौंप दे जो पूरा जीवन
फिर क्यों आहत हो उसका मन

१०.नारी ही शक्ति है नर की
नारी ही है शोभा घर की
जो उसे उचित सम्मान मिले
घर में खुशियों के फूल खिलें

११.नारी सीता नारी काली
नारी ही प्रेम करने वाली
नारी कोमल नारी कठोर
नारी बिन नर का कहां छोर

१२.नर सम अधिकारिणी है नारी
वो भी जीने की अधिकारी
कुछ उसके भी अपने सपने
क्यों रौंदें उन्हें उसके अपने

१३.क्यों त्याग करे नारी केवल
क्यों नर दिखलाए झूठा बल
नारी जो जिद्द पर आ जाए
अबला से चण्डी बन जाए
उस पर न करो कोई अत्याचार
तो सुखी रहेगा घर-परिवार

१४.जिसने बस त्याग ही त्याग किए
जो बस दूसरों के लिए जिए
फिर क्यों उसको धिक्कार दो
उसे जीने का अधिकार दो

१५.नारी दिवस बस एक दिवस
क्यों नारी के नाम मनाना है
हर दिन हर पल नारी उत्तम
मानो , यह न्या ज़माना है

The world who doesn’t respect women will die soon

मैं नारी

मैं नारी सदियों से
स्व अस्तित्व की खोज में
फिरती हूँ मारी-मारी
कोई न मुझको माने जन
सब ने समझा व्यक्तिगत धन
जनक के घर में कन्या धन
दान दे मुझको किया अर्पण
जब जन्मी मुझको समझा कर्ज़
दानी बन अपना निभाया फर्ज़
साथ में कुछ उपहार दिए
अपने सब कर्ज़ उतार दिए
सौंप दिया किसी को जीवन
कन्या से बन गई पत्नी धन
समझा जहां पैरों की दासी
अवांछित ज्यों कोई खाना बासी
जब चाहा मुझको अपनाया
मन न माना तो ठुकराया
मेरी चाहत को भुला दिया
कांटों की सेज़ पे सुला दिया
मार दी मेरी हर चाहत
हर क्षण ही होती रही आहत
माँ बनकर जब मैनें जाना
थोडा तो खुद को पहिचाना
फिर भी बन गई मैं मातृ धन
नहीं रहा कोई खुद का जीवन
चलती रही पर पथ अनजाना
बस गुमनामी में खो जाना
कभी आई थी सीता बनकर
पछताई मृगेच्छा कर कर
लांघी क्या इक सीमा मैने
हर युग में मिले मुझको ताने
राधा बनकर मैं ही रोई
भटकी वन वन खोई खोई
कभी पांचाली बनकर रोई
पतियों ने मर्यादा खोई
दांव पे मुझको लगा दिया
अपना छोटापन दिखा दिया
मैं रोती रही चिल्लाती रही
पतिव्रता स्वयं को बताती रही
भरी सभा में बैठे पांच पति
की गई मेरी ऐसी दुर्गति
नहीं किसी का पुरुषत्व जागा
बस मुझ पर ही कलंक लागा
फिर बन आई झांसी रानी
नारी से बन गई मर्दानी
अब गीत मेरे सब गाते हैं
किस्से लिख-लिख के सुनाते हैं
मैने तो उठा लिया बीडा
पर नहीं दिखी मेरी पीडा
न देखा मैनें स्व यौवन
विधवापन में खोया बचपन
न माँ बनी मै माँ बनकर
सोई कांटों की सेज़ जाकर
हर युग ने मुझको तरसाया
भावना ने मुझे मेरी बहकाया
कभी कटु कभी मैं बेचारी
हर युग में मै भटकी नारी
मेरा प्रणाम है पहली नारी सीता को जिसने एक सीमा (लक्ष्मण रेखा ) को तोडकर
भले ही जीवन भर अथाह दुख सहे लेकिन आधुनिक नारी को आजादी का मार्ग दिखा दिया

धन्य हो तुम माँ सीता
तुमने नारी का मन जीता
बढाया था तुमने पहला कदम
जीवन भर मिला तुम्हें बस गम
पर नई राह तो दिखला दी
नारी को आज़ादी सिखला दी
तोडा था तुमने इक बंधन
और बदल दिया नारी जीवन
तुमने ही नव-पथ दिखलाया
नारी का परिचय करवाया
तुमने ही दिया नारी को नाम
हे माँ तुझे मेरा प्रणाम

