Bharat Mata Ki Jai! Do we required to write in the constitutions to say Bharat Mata Ki Jai? 0 Comments 1301

Bharat Mata Ki Jai! Do we required to write in the constitutions to say Bharat Mata Ki Jai? 0 Comments 1302

In the past week lots of thinker and people put their thought on the Hyderabad Leader Mr. Owasi speech. Let see what he said:

Why he said that? How he said that? Unfortunately our leaders somewhere some how played the destructive politics without thinking it will not help any. Our all freedom fighters fight very hard to  gain the freedom but we all have the biggest wound in our heart of division. Just think who was the  victims of those division. Are those leaders who played that destructive politics or us who want to live life in peace, brotherhood and develop the place where we live.  We must use our wisdom in the selection of leader whom we are following? One who says he is bad or keep on complaining or keep on criticizing to other leader or nation OR one who wants  you to  think about development, unity, integrity, optimism in other word who is not complaining, who says we all need to work hard in develop our nation, who doesn’t compare states, who feels all are one, world is one.  See the speech of Mr. Javed Akhtar on his farewell in Rajya Sabha:

We are living in democracy and it is the reason we respect opposition view and comments and would like to walk with them.

World is burning with lots of thing and it is amazed to see that some part of world are really developed so well and some part just looking to disgraced themselves by supporting destructive politics. The leader who ran first to save himself will cannot be your leader.  How many times we will be divided by the leaders who are selfish , who want to save their power, who keep on making money with their dirty politics. The democracy is not that where we don’t able to raise our voice against injustice, against anything wrong, on the name of freedom of expression we said those thing  that should not come in our mind. Amar Shahid Asfaqullah  Khan wrote before he was being hanged:

Asfaqullah Khan Great Indian Freedom Fighter

Don’t we feel respect when we see how our freedom fighter really come forward to serve the nation. Did they asked you to support them? No they do what they feel for their nation. Giving the speech and misguide the people who are not have wisdom is easy but  these  freedom fighters know that there  is no use to ask to the deaf who doesn’t want to feel anything, who just want to safeguard themselves.

Understand the speech of your leader don’t choose such leader who keep on demotivating you by comparing your states , your country from other states , other country because these are just the political speech.

Our leaders says they don’t say “Bharat Mata Ki Jai” to show to other leader that he will do what he wants to do and no one has right to object this because no where is written in the constitution to say Bharat Mata ki Jai. So we are asking to this person  “जनाब आप अपनी आत्मा से तो पूछ लेते की क्या ये सही हे की एक लीडर को सिर्फ़ नीचा दिखाने के लिए आप हमारे उन क्रांति कारियों का अपमान कर रहे हैं जिन्हे अपनी धरती जिसको वो भारत माता मानते थे! इसकी आज़ादी के लिए शाहिद हो गये!”

If you are having concern against any speech then please put your views against the government or in the place where it is right to place whether to misguide the people of one nation.

It is not the concern to one nations it is the concern of the world who just fall themselves under insecurity, selfishness where people stop helping each other and getting the world near to the end.

We just want to say don’t be fool or move behind any leader who just not understand the real meaning of prosperity, happiness, peace, brotherhood and any good thing that you can think of.

“Bharat Mata Ki Jai”

“भारत माता की ज़ये”

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