Introduction To Structure Arrays are the preferred method of storing objects of the same data type. In addition to array …

Introduction To Structure Arrays are the preferred method of storing objects of the same data type. In addition to array …
Several declarations involving pointers int *p; /* p is a pointer to an …
Memory Allocation In C Language In C language the allocation of memory is basically of two types: Static Memory Allocation …
Pointers To Pointers Pointers store the address of a variable, similarly the address of a pointer can also be stored …
User Defined Functions Functions defined by us are known as User Defined Functions. User Define Functions are created to perform …
conio.h clrscr( ) Clears text mode window getch( ) gets a character from console but does not echo to the …
Types of Library Functions In C Language : – Definition of Library Function : Functions defined previously in the library …
Argument Passing Mechanism:- (i) Call by value:- When arguments are passed by value then the copy of the actual parameters …
Function to calculate the sum of two numbers: int sum(int, int); /* Function Prototype or Declaration*/ main( ) { int …
Function is a small program which takes some input and gives us some output. Function allows a large program to …
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