Pointers ” The Special Variables ” In C Language 0 Comments 1714

A pointer is a special variable that is used to store the address of some other variable. A pointer can be used to store the address of a single variable, array variable, structure, union, or even a pointer.

The concept of pointers:-
Every variable is stored in the memory, and each memory location has a numeric address. The declaration of the variable int a = 5;

Here a is the name of the variable, the value of the variable is 5 while the address of the variable is 100 (assumed).

The declaration of the variable tells the compiler to :-

1. Reserve space in the memory to hold the integer value.

2. Associates the name “a” with this memory location.

3. Stores the value 5 at this location.

Pointers and the indirection operator:-

The two fundamental operators used with the pointers are:

1. address operator &

2. indirection operator

* main( )

{ int a = 5; int *p; /*pointer declaration*/

p= &a; /*copying address of variable a to the pointer p*/

*p = 10; /*indirection or use of pointer to Change the value of variable a*/

printf(“%d”, a);




All the printf statements in the above program will give the output as 10.

Since the variable p is not an ordinary variable like any other integer variable.

It is A variable which stores the address of some other variable (a in this case).

Since p is a variable, the compiler must provide memory to this variable also.

Any type of pointer gets two bytes in the memory.

int *p1; float *p2; char *p3; all pointers p1, p2, p3 get 2 bytes each.

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