Condoms Means You Are Ready To Have Sex 0 1649

Condoms Means You Are Ready To Have Sex 0 1650

Last week December 1st, 2016, the world has “World AIDS Day” but how much we still understand the sex its relation with AIDS.  Everyone agree that sex is the natural part of the human being and people do like to have sex with the one whom they like.

When is World AIDS Day

The World is changing very fast, the country in which sex is being considered a private thing, is educating their youth about sex.  But how much we really accept it in the broad sense.  A Broad sense here I mean, that if a girl sees a guy with a condom then what she thought about that guy. Lets not talk about what girl thinks.  Suppose you are running in a metro and somehow a condom of condom fell down out of your bag or pocket and being unnoticed how many of you really feel to accept it that its’ yours.

Hahaha, that might be reminding you the scene of movie PK.  India is a country where people like the sex but considered it bad if discussed in public. So the questions that raised in the movie that why people is going for marriage in such a loud that today they are going to have sex? We mean sex being considered with single person only by our ancestor. May be because they understand how it can be caused the disease like AIDS.

But we also understand that there  are the stories where one man has more than one wives or one wife may have more than one husband ( that sound really unlawful to man).  We are not supported to deceive your partner by having sex with many male or female. But what is important is safety.  Why do such topics need to be discussed? Why we are talking about women empowerment and equality.

Lets talk on some statistics ” There are 83 million fake profiles of Facebook. (Source: CNN) The Takeaway: Nothing is perfect, so always remain thoughtful and strategic in your efforts. Also, fake or not, these are still potential consumers. There are various reasons for fake profiles, including professionals doing testing and research, and people who want to segment their Facebook use more than is possible with one account.”  But we would like to point those accounts where guys become a girl and try to talk about sex with a girl. Isn’t it funny?

If anyone reading this article then he may agree that how much he scared to ask for sex openly to any girl. They love to have girlfriend and girl also like to have a boyfriend but if any of them first initialize about sex may be considered bad.

In school , college or may be after married you may have a crush but you can’t disclose and keep it with you because you just want to save your reputation that how much you are disciplined, sincere and focused that you are not thinking about sex.  Come on sex will not ruin your reputation.

One  more point we would like to share here, why the limitations putting on the girls, where guys usually had more sexual relation and still not bearing any limitation in some part of the world or  even in the big country like India. There are already many arguments going on this topic.

Our concern is that sex must not be considered a sign of your badness or your character, but it may show your character if you are having it more one. But it again doesn’t mean you are characterless, because if it is true then we may not have the history of great people who are having many affairs or relation.

Your character defined by your decisions, your way of living,  how much you are living for others and do something for the society.  So a person who is carrying a condom it means he is much more concern about AIDS and understands how much it will be harmful to the girl also. Like girl may have unwanted pregnancy or AIDS.

Similarly to the girls who like sex and have relations should consider to use condoms or make your guy to use condoms until you are ready to take care of a child. After all, the God has given you a big responsibility to be a mother, so be responsible.

One thing that is important for any relation is trust, so never do marriage for sex only. Do marriage only when you believe that you feel incomplete without your partner where completeness doesn’t have any relation with sex. Sex is few minutes or hour satisfaction but life partner or your spouse is life and soul satisfaction. So be safe and use condoms and don’t feel ashamed if or think bad if you or someone have condoms in pocket.

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