Tens of thousands of Bangladeshis fled to safety as Cyclone Roanu made landfall on Saturday at the country’s southern coast, with stormy winds and incessant downpour that triggered landslides, killing five persons and injuring over 100 others.
With a wind speed of up to kilometres per hour while heading east-northeastward, the cyclone hit the Barisal- Chittagong region, sending impacts across the country.
Most places of the country witnessed rain and thunder showers accompanied by temporary gusty and squally wind since early morning.
At least five persons were killed and over 100 injured as the advancing cyclone had started ravaging the southern coastlines.
Officials and reports said that under the peripheral impact of the cyclone, codenamed Roanu, stormy winds levelled several hundred village huts in southwestern coastal Bhola leaving two dead and over 100 wounded indicating the cyclone was advancing with intensified wraths.
A minor child and a woman in Bhola appeared to be the first victims of the cyclone, which continued to advance keeping an edge with the coastlines from the southwesterly direction towards the southwest, turning the sea very rough.
Read more at http://www.thestatesman.com/news/world/5-killed-as-cyclone-roanu-hits-b-desh/143754.html#zHaDUdIcjs8mQ06x.99
Lets pray for Bangladesh.