Divide And Rule: WakeUp Call, Wish To have One World One Religion 0 Comments 1163

Divide And Rule: WakeUp Call, Wish To have One World One Religion 0 Comments 1164

Religious Demographic Chart

We are reviewing the conferences of two powerful nations America and China and both chose their stands. The concept is simple the America don’t want that the China become the super power of South Asia where the North Asia is already belonging to the Russia theoretically, whereas, the China believes if  the India keeps working hard and progress then it will be the setback of their hard work to be the super power.

The India, in under the flagship of Prime Minister Narendra Modi looking forward to enhance each of the area, where some of the work seems like to be a dictatorship but for the Nation, he argued it is necessary. Pakistan is working with China over CPEC Project, which India is opposing openly.

Usually, people divided on the basis of caste or religion and in some countries they started dividing themselves on the basis of color.

Every country developed with the true leadership of one leader towards the nation. But how the World will develop. I just want to be sure that India and Pakistan just not be the part of divide and rule politics of these super power nations.

Tell you one thing keep fighting with each never comes with constructive thoughts, one must need to think with a different aspect of politics. Just to see some short term benefits we just not make our future in black hole.

There was an article I was reading in telegraph of 2012, they have written about how the religious population will grow by 2050.

Here are some of the charts from the link.

What is the Muslim Population in the World
World Muslim Population By 2050

Religious Demographic Chart


The data collection is good but what is the use of such analysis? Means somewhere we keep dividing each other on the ground of religion.

The religion always be very confusing terms, people usually relate it to the God, but actually, it is related with the followers who follows those protocols in life.

Wish one can understand that don’t put religion over the humanity and the God’s nature and just by following some rules it doesn’t mean God will give you heaven.

The heaven is the place where you live with your parents and children happily and do progress with all. If we don’t wake up and keep ourselves dividing each other then anyhow other country diplomats will use you and there is no delay in making you slave.

One Nation, One Religion is the necessity of today’s world if you cannot make One World One Religion, it helps your nation to not be the pawn of some powerful people.

#NoReligion might be the next hashtag on social media.

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