Hey Everyone, being out for long because of my work. During my break I was researching on the policies that any government made for their people. As a common man I keep on finding the reason of paying taxes once I paid the income tax. We all know every year July 31st is the last day to file the return to Income Tax Department of India. I do file return as I believe in the growth of my country. But after paying tax on my earning to the Government, I am still not feel secure in my own country and in fact I am making money of my own mind and hard work not by any government policies.
Why it is so? I try to trust on the Government but not able to.
I am paying taxes on goods that I purchased but where it goes? The largest democracy of the world and even largest diversities in living in one country still I can see the difference in growth rate of state. New Delhi is running almost 20 years ahead of Bihar, Rajasthan and many states. Anyway we all know every it goes.
We are paying taxes but still we have to pay high amount of money in education fee for our children to get good education. We are paying taxes but still we have to pay taxes on Government Transport. Now Government says that it is necessary to make the public transport to run independently and taxes are the mean of earning for the government. But what is that income tax then?
Why not there is some simple taxation policy that easily be understood.
Indian Government has the largest human resource but still there are no proper employment policies for the youth of India. The development is only the 1% part of India merely seen or might be 2% or if you say more than tell me the percentage. During my recent Delhi visit I have seen our youth are more into running behind fashion, show offs and worrying about their clothes, their looks, and silent comparison during walking down the streets.
Is this the development?
What is the real definition of development? or where the hell our taxes being utilized?
We are still struggling for basic education, if we educated then we struggle for good living because it costly, and somehow we able to manage then we struggle to maintain that life for long but keep unsure that it will be always or it will be for some time only.
If we go deeper and discuss then there are many facts that we are not aware about or it is hard for government itself to make us aware about. Government open the project of 100 smart cities in India? Who will work on this project? The private and public firm or in the end those millionaire that has money and resources or for whom we are working.
Don’t know what you people are thinking. But the way I look India, I am not really feel happy to be part of this country but I cannot change in the end. Wish I could say I proud to be an Indian where we follow those things which never suits to our personality. Anyway enjoy your day but make sure you should do something to make your earning for sure for today.
Our Taxes on MP: http://www.thehindu.com/data/government-spends-rs-27-lakh-a-month-per-mp/article7699415.ece