Donald Trump Wins Presidential Election 2016 of United States 0 Comments 1017

Donald Trump Wins Presidential Election 2016 of United States 0 Comments 1018

US election Results 2016

Congratulation to @DonaldTrump for winning the presidential election of United States.

In the latest update, Hillary Clinton lose the election by 276-218 from Donald Trump.

This time United States would like to choose the one who is white and supports the white. It is not wrong but will it affect the minorities. Trump since he started his campaigning was giving clear indication about “Hatred to Muslim” and “Support to White”.

Hillary Clinton having more experience than Donald Trump but she failed to keep the integrity of United States of America which was clearly disliked by Americans. Hillary defeat showed that you must be very careful in setting up your email, else the story umight be different.

Whatever being forcast before election all goes wrong.

The major election forecasting models got it wrong (though FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver deserved credit for beingsignificantly less certain about it). The campaign professionals got it wrong. The pundits got it oh so very wrong indeed, again and again since Trump entered the race and even before.

And the outcome will be truly terrifying to Democrats and even many Republicans who sincerely believed Trump was an unstable, racist demagogue who shouldn’t have access to the nuclear codes.

But Trump defied them all.

How Trump did it

Trump entered the race back in June 2015 with a dramatically different approach from the plethora of Republican contenders. Rather than repeating the familiar conservative movement talking points on free markets and small governments, he demagogued Mexican immigrants as “rapists” in his announcement speech, and he called for a ban on Muslim immigration to the US after the San Bernardino terror attacks.

This platform — along with Trump’s sharp attacks on elites and trade deals, his domination of media coverage, and his slash-and-burn attacks on any rival who challenged him — propelled him to the top of the polls and kept him there throughout the primaries. And intentionally or not, what he was offering resembled a global trend of rising populist nationalism among white citizens of Western nations.

Once Trump won the primaries, the Republican establishment for the most part submitted to their voters’ will, with leaders like Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and Reince Priebus endorsing him, some more begrudgingly than others.

This was a crucial step in the normalization of a man many Republicans had privately dismissed as temperamentally unfit for the presidency. Once party elites for the most part fell behind him, arguing for the necessity of defeating Hillary Clinton, their voters had no more reason to demur.

How Clinton blew it

The Democrats’ choice to nominate Clinton, a disliked figure of the establishment plagued by scandal, will be endlessly second-guessed.

And Clinton herself made many mistakes — not the last of which was using a private email server for all her State Department work, spurring an FBI investigation.

But the reason Clinton lost is really pretty simple — she just lost too many rural, working-class white voters to Donald Trump. And that’s what made the difference in the Electoral College in states like Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, and Wisconsin.

In recent years, Democrats had increasingly embraced a strategy of appealing to college-educated social liberals on the coasts and nonwhite voters throughout the country. They thought that since the country was becoming increasingly nonwhite, that would be sufficient to propel them to victory, even as they ran on an increasingly left-wing agenda.

But as least as far as the Electoral College goes — we don’t yet know who’s won the popular vote — they were wrong. Trump’s appeals to white identity politics and criticisms of Clinton’s corruption were enough to build him a coalition of more than 270 electoral votes in predominately white and rural states. And now he’s going to be the president of all the United States.

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