The United States has one party, the Permanent Ruling Party. Some call one branch the “Democrats”, some call the other branch the “Republicans”.
While there are surface differences, both wings of the Party support the same things: permanent war; Israel; illegal migration; hatred of Arabs and Muslims. Neither arm criticizes a huge military budget or the vast sums spent on the various intelligence services, whose main job seems to be spying on American citizens.
Indeed, political discourse in the US seems focused on politically immaterial, nonsensical things, such as homosexual marriage or use of “Transgender Toilet Wars”. Race and Sex, of all possible kinds and variations, have great currency in this conversation. As the Israeli musician, Gilad Atzmon, said, the American Left does not concentrate on significant matters like war, peace, or unemployment.
In the United States there is no room for the third front because of two-party orthodox, or principally they believe it better to have two-party and, the other front weakens the nation.
Today, less than a week before the US general election, the media (and the body politic) are obsessed with Hillary Clinton’s charges that Russia is supposedly manipulating the American voting system or that Donald Trump holds deplorable views on women, migrants, and Muslims. Not one word is printed or spoken about voter claims that the politicians do not represent them but, rather, special interests. People cling to their party beliefs: Democrats are right and Republicans are wrong (or the reverse).
Democrats or Hillary Clinton’s backers repeat the canard that Donald Trump is in league with Russia. They assert they are right because the US intelligence services say so–without proof. They claim that Donald Trump is unfit to be president because George Bush, say so.
But, there is no atom level word about the questionable activities of the Clinton Foundation, buying and selling favors over decision-makers. No media outlet examines Hillary Clinton’s role in the destruction of Libya or Syria, or, her influence on her husband to bomb Yugoslavia.
The continuing email scandal leads to the bigger story of the true role and function of the Clinton Foundation, now being outed as a money-laundering operation. Credible rumors emanating from the FBI indicate a deep split within that agency. Dedicated agents in many field offices have gathered evidence against the Clinton Foundation. Yet, they are reputedly struggling with high-level officials seeking to protect that organization from any investigation.
Read More: US Presidential Election 2016: All Time Drama Going On
On the other hand, Donald Trump does and says outrageous and often disgusting things. His coarse, rude remarks about women and some opponents go beyond “locker room talk”. He wants strict controls on Muslim immigrants, he thinks “open borders” encourage racism, and so on. These enable his opponents to castigate him as a “loose cannon”. Trump doesn’t seem able to articulate a coherent plan to improve the American economy, end the “forever war”, or rein in military spending or the intelligence services. He does not recognize that the United States is behind al-Qaeda, ISIL, ISIS, IS, or D’aish. Yet, he wants to fight it/them ferociously.
Usually, it is considered that in the world, what rest of the world thinks about election in United States are the most non-biased election. But that not true and with the current situation and Hillary email scandal put the election in question.
More and more examples of the “traditional” form of ballot-box tampering are appearing. In Harrisonburg, Virginia, students recently re-registered dead people as voters. (In 1960, corpses in Chicago gave John F. Kennedy Illinois’ Electoral College ballots and the presidency.) A former intelligence officer and State Department official stated that when he was voting early in Florida, a woman was caught at the polling place attempting to cast a second ballot. In explanation, he heard her say that an “ethnic website” had urged her to do that. (And, given the increasing outcry against US States attempting to require voter identification, there’s likely more electoral hanky-panky going on. After all, you even need ID to get a book out of the library in America.)
But now, there’s a new form of election tampering.
In the past, when Ross Perot and Ralph Nader sought the presidency, the mass media tagged them as “spoilers”, out of step with the mainstream. Now, there is a concerted attack on Donald Trump as an “outsider”, unbeholden to traditional interests. The assault on Trump is far more intense and concentrated than the batterings given the other two as they campaigned outside the pale. The D.C. newspaper, the Washington Post, has, likely, gone beyond its efforts to get Richard Nixon out of office. Then, in the midst of Watergate, the paper had a negative article about Nixon on the front page almost every day until his resignation. Now, the Post devotes entire pages to virulently unfavorable pieces on Trump while sanitizing the dirt on Clinton. TV and radio follow suit.
What as the people of United States, we have now: war, inflated military and intelligence service budgets, and renewed focus on irrelevant and immaterial things. Clinton’s hostility towards Russia, Syria, and Iran, plus her blind support for and deference to Israel does not bode well for America’s future. Trump’s lack of intellectual vigor, his tendency toward erratic behavior, and vow to smash ISIL mean no real change for the better. Worse, the bureaucracy, which supports the status quo, will likely operate from the shadows as the de facto government of the United States.
Either candidate could well be indicted as part of an investigation or lawsuit already underway.