Ghaziabad: Snapdeal Employee Kidnapped News Which Again Fill India With Fear? How? 0 Comments 2092

Ghaziabad: Snapdeal Employee Kidnapped News Which Again Fill India With Fear? How? 0 Comments 2093

Why an employee of Snapdeal kidnapped? On reading such news our heart fill with fear about who are those guys kidnapped her and what were their objective. Her name is Dipti Sarna, an executive in the legal department at Snapdeal.


She usually travels from her office in Gurgaon to Vaishali in a metro. From there on, she takes an auto to the bus-stand in Ghaziabad from where her family members picked her up.

“On the night of incident, she was speaking to a friend on her mobile phone and she suddenly started shouting at the auto driver about taking a wrong route. Later, her mobile got switched off. Her family immediately informed police,” a police officer said.

Her friend informed the woman’s family in Kavi Nagar immediately after his call . Apart from informing the police, they also called her number repeatedly but could not contact her.

Following the incident which took place near river Hindon bridge, police launched a massive search and also registered an FIR for abduction at Sihani Gate police station.

“We are extremely disturbed with the reported abduction of our team member. Her security and safety is our topmost priority. We are doing everything to support and work with the authorities in their investigation. The entire Snapdeal family is united in their support and prayer for her safe return,” said a Snapdeal spokesperson.

But why such incident happen where lot many Apps are being developed after Nirbhaya and why people of India keep on sleeping in such incident. There are the whistle blowers who work hard for the protection of Indian female.

What makes such kidnapping to be happened in India? Who has the solution on this?

We are looking for the solutions now?

Please you all come forward and provide the solution that really works well. In our level of minds we understand that Indians how really work upon to learn the self-defense. No App, no gadgets can help anyone until we want to save ourselves on our own.  Why we just made Indian female so weak somewhere that we keep on worrying about them.

We are working on the solutions and will provide it soon. Hope you also  have some solutions and will provide it too to avoid such incidents.

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