Hey Everyone, do you have time to read?
No, I don’t have time, I am too much busy in doing some important work.
We usually say many thing something like that every other person or some time to the opportunities that coming to your door and you don’t even understand it is the opportunity that comes to you but you simple not figure out due to not have proper management of time. Then how we can manage the time, it keeps on running and we cannot stop it.
Guys, we are not saying you to stop your time, we are saying manage your time in a way that you can create your wisdom over time.
Time management is not an art, it is simple the fall in love with the work you do daily that takes your towards your goal.
Goal? its not the football ground to hit the football in the court for goal but it is something like that. You have your ball and you have to run through many obstacles that might be your competitors, your colleagues, your team mates, and any roadblocks to achieve to achieve your goal or hit the ball in the goal. What you will do? You say we start dribbling our ball towards the goal post and try to reach to our goal. But what if we make little complicate for you like you are 32 meters away from the goal post and only 40 seconds left. Now what you will do. I believe you all are optimistic people and do like challenges, so most of you will answer we will run as fast as we can with the ball. So this is what we all are doing we run as fast as we can but why everyone not reach to his/her goal.
Have you ever think about it?
Because we stop seeing our goal or aim when we run towards it, we tired because we lose the stamina or concentration towards, we stop loving our aim because it become messy to us during running.
Guys we want you to see if you don’t enjoy your work and love that you will have hard time to manage your time.
We are not going to give you list or something that you need to follow to do time management.
We will just say whatever you are doing at any moment; do it with your full heart and mind; or we can say 100%. If you do you will able to manage your time.
What is time? It will always be different for every other person. How? Lets see an example you are in office and your family is making the surprise party for you. For your family who is arranging the surprise party for you is present for them and that party will be future for you. Do you understand what we want to say? Time is stable it is not moving it is just a circle that we calculate in discreet way due to the movement of earth and divide it in 24 hours cycle day and night. But eventually it is straight line on which we are moving. Our mind cannot really understand that straight line so we have to make it break in a way that we can easily understand what exactly it is.
If you stand on the road and see in front what you see is the present and what will come from behind will be future or any way you can think off.
Still not get it, so do this keep writing what ever you are doing and try to understand how much you are utilizing your day or night and every week analyze it. Be sure don’t get too old to do the analysis.