Is China Pakistan Economic Corridor Good For South Asia? 0 Comments 1061

Is China Pakistan Economic Corridor Good For South Asia? 0 Comments 1062

India, the one of the powerful country in South Asia is openly opposing the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project.

Mr. Sudheendra Kulkarni, Chairman, Observer Research Foundation, India, shared that the participation of India in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Project could usher in a new era of prosperity and change in the face of South Asia.

He was sharing this in the panel discussion on Pakistan-India Peace Process and the Sharing of Experiences on Governance and Democracy hosted by PILDAT in Islamabad on February 16.

In his address, Mr Kulkarni spoke of the CPEC as an economic miracle, one whose dividends would multiply if India were also to participate in the venture. Infrastructure connecting the CPEC to the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Project across Northern India could transform the face of the region and usher in a new era of economic cooperation. However, he said that China and Pakistan needed to address Indian concerns on the CPEC project before this could happen.

He successfully presenting the thought of India where India had focused on the issue of terrorism, Pakistan had always stressed upon Kashmir as a political issue. He impressed upon the audience the importance of thinking anew about the problems that had strained Pakistan-India ties in the past, saying that good statesmanship in both countries would depend upon the ability to set aside older grudges. He spoke of many of the initiatives that he had been apart of, chief among which was the campaign that he steered in India called the“Kuch Naya Karein” programme.

The discussion was happened on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the 1947 Partition, both countries needed to renew efforts to normalise bilateral ties and evaluate their positions by putting themselves in the other country’s shoes.

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Efforts are really needed at present to have the world a better place to live.

Read about the discussion on bilateral ties necessity between India and Pakistan here. Sudheendra Kulkarni was being frightened by the Shiv Sena in the past, where shiv sainik colored his face with black ink before the launch of the book “Neither Hawk Nor A Dove” of Shireen Mazari from Pakistan, where he launched the book with that blackened face.

Who is Shudheendra Kulkarni

Why India opposing CPEC projects? The major reason of opposing that CPEC is building over the disputed area of India and Pakistan and India believe until it is solved there must not be such development, which is right. Why one can built third person territory where two persons are already having issue with the common place.

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