IT + IT = IT: PM Narendra Modi Gave New Equation For Development 0 Comments 796

IT + IT = IT: PM Narendra Modi Gave New Equation For Development 0 Comments 797

Information Technology + Indian Talent = India Tomorrow

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today devised an unusual equation to describe the future of the country.”IT + IT = IT”, he said much to the bafflement of the audience he was addressing at the launch of the Supreme Court’s new digital filing system. The PM then described what he meant: “Information technology + Indian Talent = India Tomorrow.”

The PM said the country needs to embrace technology in a more collective manner than in a piecemeal fashion. It also must be embraced by all sections of society for it to have real benefit, he added.

“Embracing technology can’t happen if only a few people are keen on it. The scale must be larger,” the PM said.

He also addressed what he called the “mindset issue”.

“Mindsets have to change, that will be the beginning. However much we automate things or introduce technology, if mindsets don’t change nothing will happen,” Modi said.

The PM narrated a common occurrence in many households to explain his point.

“Even when we send someone an SMS, we later call them up asking ‘Did you get my SMS?’ This is what I mean when I say old mindsets need to change,” Modi said.

In this context, Modi also talked about e-governance.

“E-governance is easy, effective, and economical. It’s also environment friendly. Paperless offices will benefit the environment,” he said explaining his vision.

Modi was inaugurating the Supreme Court’s ICMIS, a digital service which will enable people to file complaints online.

“In my last meeting with the CJI, he had expressed concern on how to reduce the number of cases which are pending,” Modi recalled.

Emphasizing that the need of the hour is to focus on application of science and technology, the PM said the digital route the Sc is taking is a step in the right direction.

“Let us create a mass movement to provide legal aid to the poor,” he said.

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