Monsoon health tips –simple do’s and don’ts 0 Comments 2486

Monsoon health tips, while monsoon is a time to enjoy and feel loved all around, it is also known to bring with itself a multitude of water-borne diseases that could degrade your health significantly. While you might be tempted to enjoy the weather and look over the scenic beauty all around, it is equally important to take care of your health.

It is during the monsoons that we are at a higher chance of contracting deadly diseases –especially due to contamination of water.

If you are concerned about your health and that of your family’s, it is imperative for you to follow some simple guidelines. In this post, we aim at sharing some of the essential do’s & don’ts that you can follow during the monsoon season to remain at the peak of your health.

Do’s to Stay Healthy During Monsoon

If you are prone to falling sick every monsoon, here are some essential tips to follow:

  • Ensure Personal Hygiene: As the monsoon advances, the first thing that you would like to do is to take good care of your personal hygiene. There are various bacteria and viruses that tend to attack those with weak immunity. Therefore, it is a must to keep yourself neat & clean at all times.
  • Boost Your Immunity: When you tend to have a weak immunity system, you are an easy target for most of the common infectants out there. The best mechanism for boosting your immune system naturally is through Vitamin C. You can consider including lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, and nuts to your diet. Consuming green tea is also regarded to be an effective way to strengthen your immunity.Monsoon Health Tips
  • Keep Cleaning Your Home: Water logging is quite a common instance during the monsoons. Stagnant weather during such times could easily become breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Therefore, it is recommended to keep cleaning your home from time to time while keeping specific areas dry as well.
  • Drink Boiled Water: As monsoons bring with itself a host of water-related diseases, it is advised by the experts that you should aim at drinking boiled water most of the time. Consumption of contaminated water can put you at a higher risk of contracting water-borne diseases.

Don’ts for Staying Healthy During Monsoons

  • Avoid Being Drenched in Rain: While it is highly tempting to get drenched in rain, it is recommended to refrain from the same. It could turn out to be a common way of damaging your health during the monsoon. Even if you do get drenched in rain, it is recommended that you should take a warm shower instantly.
  • Avoid Eating at Roadside Stalls: It is common to get attracted to spicy & oily food during the monsoons. However, by all means, you should avoid eating at roadside stalls. This is because these are the easiest way to attract a series of gastrointestinal problems. You should only aim at eating home-cooked food.

Stay safe during the monsoons! With proper care, you can enjoy the monsoon period to its fullest.

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