Setting Up Online Business or Ecommerce Site or Online Store 0 1713

Setting Up Online Business or Ecommerce Site or Online Store 0 1714

How to setup online business

How to setup online business

E-commerce or online business is the fastest way to connect your store to the world.  In setting up online store first you need to understand that what are the basic needs of the online store.  We have come across many of our clients who were looking for setting up their e-commerce business but they are not able to appreciate the hardwork behind it to set it up correctly.

We usually think that ecommerce is just the site where we add the product and then customer visit it, order it and then buy it, and we will delivered it.  What you are thinking is correct it is just like that. But we missed out that it depends on machine on which we are running this business. Hosting and domain name, are the initial steps to think about online business.

First we understand the Domain Name:

What is Domain Name:

The domain name is the name that you select to introduce your business on the Internet.  It usually suffix with .com, .us, .co , etc. These are the top level domains that installed on the root level namespace. In other words root level nameserver which registered name of your domain on these top level domains.

So by now there are so many names going into your mind as your business domain name. Get them searched and read the next level of article. See what domain name is available for your business. Remember domains are sold out very fast, it may be possible what domain name you think of just right now someone is purchasing it from some site.

Get a Domain Name

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Get Hosting:

Once you finalized the domain name you must select the hosting. In case of business website to introduce your business then shared hosting will be fine. Shared Hosting is the rented server with multiple  website running on it. Theee are different hosting are available VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting, Dedicated Server Hosting, Managed Server Hosting.  From the above domain search you can get the detailing of those type of hosting and what will be the difference in each of them.

Hosting is required to save our html, css, and java script file along with server side script like php, vbscript etc, and our database of business where we save all the transactions online transactions, product details  or catalogue placed.  So it must be very secure and should not be accessible via IP address. Your developer will know about these stuff.

For the e-commerce based business where online transactions are involved, shared hosting will not be the recommended hosting.  So please be understand that the security concern of your data and transactions which are your property and you are copyrighted them to sale on the Internet.

E-Commerce Platform Selection:

There are many eCommerce Platform which are freely available you can try them out and discuss with your developer which one he is comfortable upon. Listen eCommerce platform selection is very important and if it is being selected incorrectly then the maintenance of it will be nightmare as you grow in your business. There are many eCommerce Platforms are available like Magento, Prestashop, OpenCart, and many more.  You can have nice discussion with your developer to find out what suites your business better.

Once you select the platform on which your online business will run then add your products in the site and get the business ready for online.

Next step or when your site is getting ready you can get yourself ready by getting the agreement between payment gateways or payment processing company.

Payment Gateway:

Payment gateways are the process from which you will get the money into your bank account via online transaction.  There are company who are providing these gateway, these company usually provide the integration kits that integrated into the major eCommerce platform. So that also be remember that select that eCommerce platform that support major or as many payment gateways.  There are many payment gateways or payment processor system that you can see when you bought something online like paypal, payu, ccavenue, skrill etc. Every company as their own process of signing agreement with the merchant so let be sure that they don’t have any such condition that may harm your requirements or rights.

You are almost done!!

What remains?

Logistics strategy that you need to monitor, where receiving order , packaging, delivering all will be required to understand, and these will be part of your business operations. Website updates or day to day update can be delayed but if operations have flaws then it may ruin your sleep and you will have sleepless nights.

We will recommend to have your developer of your business must be company who has experience in serving the eCommerce business and you can partnered where they will support your website must be maintained and updated so that your business will be run flawlessly.

Why we suggest to partner with IT company?

Its a third party who will manage your business with low cost, as we all know if we hired the expert inhouse it will be night mare to handle his attitude , and may be his salary will be increased in a way that we cannot afford them one day.  Now  your business is online business so you may need Search Engine Marketing, Social Marketing, Email Marketing so just think who will be better for you.  So such company usually have the expert in these area and that will help you to run your business with minimal issue and you just only focus on operations part ,  and follow up with your IT partner.

You will be safe in the hand of expert if you choose the right company who understand the security of your business and its requirements.

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