Library Functions In C Language 0 Comments 947

Types of Library Functions In C Language : –

 Definition of Library Function :

Functions defined previously in the library are called as library functions.

Example :


main( )


int n , p, ans;

printf(“Enter number and its power”);


ans = pow(n,p);


getch( );


Common Library Functions:

stdio.h functions with their work

fclose( ) Closes a stream

fcloseall( ) Closes all open streams

feof( ) Tests if end-of-file has been reached on a stream

fflush( ) Flushes a stream

fgetc( ) Gets a character from a stream

fgetpos( ) Gets the current file pointer position

fsetpos( ) Positions the file pointer of a stream

fgetchar( ) Gets a character from stdin

fgets( ) Gets a string from a stream

fopen( ) Opens a stream

fprintf( ) Send formatted output to stream

fputc( ) Outputs a character to a stream

fputs( ) Outputs a string to a stream

fread( ) Reads data from a stream

fscanf( ) Scans and formats input from a stream

fseek( ) Sets the file pointer to a particular position

ftell( ) Returns the current position of the file pointer

fwrite( ) Writes to a stream

getc( ) gets one character

getchar( ) gets a character from stdin

gets( ) Get a string from stdin

getw( ) gets an integer from stream

printf( ) Send the formatted output to stdin

putc( ) Outputs a character to stdout

putchar( ) Outputs a character on stdout

puts( ) Outputs string and appends a newline character

putw( ) Outputs an integer on a stream

remove( ) Removes a file

rename( ) Renames a file

rewind( ) Brings the file pointer to stream’s beginning

scanf( ) Scans and formats input from stdin

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