This question was asked by a person anonymously about why Modi Marketing BJP So Much?
The answer to this question is not that easy because some of us will simply take it as for granted that he is the member of BJP. But actually it is really thoughtful question.
Who is Modi here? Is it the Prime Minister of India or a simple volunteer with a vision to promote his party agenda?
In the question, it was on Modi so we can take it as a simple volunteer. But we all know it is not.
It is the Prime Minister of India who tries to convince each of the states that by campaigning himself for the party in the UP election 2017.
This is incorrect because he is the Prime Minister now where he is responsible to run the country, not just one state and spent too much of his time to that state election campaign. Either he was not sure about the victory or the work done by the party to which he belongs was not having face for the UP election.
I believe each of the parties who present their candidate for the election must understand once that person become the CM or PM then he is not the property of that party anymore until he is PM or CM. The kind of any state is the sevak of the people living in that state and his duty is towards their public development, not just party development. The party will win in other states if that person is doing his job correctly.
Our prime minister is excellent but I would make a request to the BJP don’t use him like that and he should not involved with any such campaign because his work will speak and we as the people can read and understand everything.
So the answer of the question is that PM Modi should not be involved in such campaigning but as India is not able to come out of the discrimination living where we just not able to justify the verdict and party and feel that it is the party who gives him the chance and he has to pay to it again.