Selection of Corporate Team and Completion of Project by Ramcharitmanas 0 Comments 1607

Selection of Corporate Team and Completion of Project by Ramcharitmanas 0 Comments 1608

Select Your Team By Leaning from RamCharit Manas

Doha of Ramcharitmanas

Sugriv divided the team into four directions. As he know that the most probable chance of Mata Sita in southern direction he sent one team consist of Angad,Hanuman,Jambavan and Neel.

In this team they had Neel with the capability to build the bridge ,know how to construct the dam on river.

Angad a prince, a youth, enthusiastic   and able to take task by self motivated and initiation .

Jambavan with a huge experience and knowledge .and

A hanuman intelligent with patience and understand the urgency and  importance of task.

In this King Sugrive understand the task and he collectively selected the person with different capability. In that he also includes one elder person who can guide the young team of Angad.

These day higher management appoint one team with different capabilities like engineering, accounts, human resource and sourcing etc.

Doha Speaking about Angad from Ramcharitmanas

Sugariv appoint the Angad as the head of the team. After the discussion angad said he can cross the sea but not possible for him to come back.

It is possible in a team that one can start the task but he don’t know where and how to end up. He might be on higher position but not having the experience with same nature of project. It is also possible he belongs to some good engineering or reputed management institute but not gone through the similar problem may encounter to complete the project.

Still Jambavan motivated him and said that he is eligible to perform the task.

Might be Jambavan understand that head of the project is not able complete the one module of the project but project should processed so he motivated him and scrutiny the correct person.

Some time senior has to motivate his team mate also even thou they are not able to complete the task so that the synergy of the team will not going to effect.

Neel was also present and Jambavan knows his capability but before installing the completed plant or bridge between the Lanka and India he want understand all the bottleneck of task.

So, it is most important for the team mate before executing or taking the project they know how they will complete the task with limited resource.

Hanuman was sitting silently. He was analyzing the situation   but not able to conclude .

Hanuman was thinking whether we have to build a bridge with limited resource or call the Raja Ram. As they all are now confirmed that Sita is in Lanka but what to do and what not to do is not clear.

So Jambavan went to Hanuman and motivated him. Jamabavan memorized the achievement of Hanuman when there was no resources was available  but still Hanuman performed extraordinary.

Jambavan also anaylsed the previous and present work and make it measurable. Like, travel  to Lord Sun is much more difficult as compared to cross the Sea.

So, dividing the task in small phases will also bring the greater success to project. If team mate fully understand the task and start enjoying their work then they will not ask for brake.


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