Trump travel ban: new visa criteria set to come into effect 0 Comments 797

Trump travel ban: new visa criteria set to come into effect 0 Comments 798

Travel Ban to Muslim on Hitbrother Hit brother

On Wednesday 28th June 2017, regarding the immigration policy Trump administration release new criteria. In that Six Muslim Nation are restricted to enter in USA.

Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Iran Yemen are the nation where the new application will not going to entertain by US government unless any close family or relative available in United State.

Trump wants to restrict the Muslim nation but above order came after the concern of Supreme Court. In close family Parents, spouse, son, and daughter are only consider . Aunt, uncle, grandmother, fiancés are not considering as a close family member. All the immigration guideline sent to all the US embassy.

For business and professional visit should be allowed on the basis of proper documentation.  Journalist, student, nd professor are allowed with the invitation letter.

This decision is consider as trump committed in his election campaign to ban Muslim and America First  Trump argument to restricted the terrorism in US .

Senior officials from the departments of State, Justice and Homeland Security had labored since the decision to clarify the ruling and Wednesday’s instructions were the result. The new guidance will remain in place until the Supreme Court issues a final ruling on the matter. Arguments before the justices will not be held until at least October, so the interim rules will remain in place at least until the fall.

Shortly after taking office, Trump ordered the refugee ban and a travel ban affecting the six countries, plus Iraq. He said it was needed to protect the U.S. from terrorists, but opponents said it was unfairly harsh and was intended to meet his campaign promise to keep Muslims out of the United States.

After a federal judge struck down the bans, Trump signed a revised order intended to overcome legal hurdles. That was also struck down by lower courts, but the Supreme Court’s action Monday partially reinstated it.

Read more: To Ban Muslim Countries Will Stop Terrorism?

The initial travel ban led to chaos at airports around the world, but because the guidelines exempt previously issued visas, similar problems are not expected. After a judge blocked the original ban, Trump issued a scaled-down order and the court’s action Monday further reduced the number of people who would be covered by it. Also, while the initial order took effect immediately, adding to the confusion, this one was delayed 72 hours after the court’s ruling.

Under the new rules, would-be immigrants from the six countries who won a coveted visa in the government’s diversity lottery — a program that randomly awards 50,000 green cards annually to people from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States — will also have to prove they have a “bona fide relationship” with in the U.S. or are eligible for another waiver or face being banned for at least 90 days.

That hurdle may be a difficult one for those immigrants to overcome, as many visa lottery winners don’t have relatives in the U.S. or jobs in advance of arriving in the country.

Generally, winners in the diversity lottery only need prove they were born in an eligible county and have completed high school or have at least two years of work experience in an occupation that requires at least two other years of training or experience.

According to a copy of a cable distributed to all US diplomatic posts and reported by news agencies Reuters and Associated Press, the guidance defined a close familial relationship as being a parent, spouse, child, adult son or daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law or sibling, including step-siblings and other stepfamily relations.

More Interesting: United States: Muslims are most disliked community

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