Uri attack in India 2016

Diplomacy might be good, way to live the life but sometimes we have to take actions against incurable disease like terrorism.

India suffered a lot in past few years due to terror attack, where some sick people thinks that India will not do anything. The way terrorism is spreading around the world and people murdered is the sign of how much we are living in danger.

These sick fishes must be killed to clean the society.

Remembering 9/11 New York Attack:

The U.S. marks the 15th anniversary of the September 11th attacks that claimed some 3,000 lives. Each year to mark the anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center, two beams of light are illuminated in the sky from dusk to dawn.

We remember how after this attack Osama being assassinated.

9/11 New York Attack
The U.S. marks the 15th anniversary of the September 11th attacks that claimed some 3,000 lives. Each year to mark the anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center, two beams of light are illuminated in the sky from dusk to dawn. Reuters

New York hit again this weekend.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation made no arrests in connection with the bombing this weekend in New York City after police pulled over a car on a city bridge, an agency spokeswomen said on Sunday.

“We conducted a traffic stop of a vehicle of interest in New York City but no arrests were made and no one has been charged with any crime,” FBI spokeswoman Kelly Langmesser said.

On Sunday, a team of five FBI agents searched an Uber driver’s vehicle that had been damaged in the Manhattan blast, ripping off the door panels inside as they examined it for evidence.

The driver, MD Alam, of Brooklyn, had just picked up three passengers and was driving along 23rd Street when the explosion occurred, shattering the car’s windows and leaving gaping holes in the rear passenger-side door.

“It was so loud,” he said. “I was so scared. There was a loud boom and then smoke and I just drove away.”

He had hit the gas and tried to take his passengers to their destination in Queens, but pulled over along Madison Avenue and 39th Street. He went to a local police precinct to file a report for his insurance company and police contacted the FBI.

The explosion had left many rattled in a city that had marked the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks only a week earlier and where a United Nations meeting to address the refugee crisis in Syria was scheduled on Monday.

“People didn’t know what was going on, and that’s what was scary,” said Anthony Zayas, an actor who was in the Chelsea neighborhood Saturday night when the bomb went off. “You didn’t know if was coming from the subway beneath you, you didn’t know if there were other bombs, you didn’t know where to go.”

URI Attack in India:Lost Soldiers Life

Terrorist Attack in URI
Smoke rises from the Army Brigade camp in Uri. PTI

Of the 1,67,221 terrorist related fatalities in period 2001-2015, only 2.2 percent were suffered by US and Western Europe which included 11 September 2001 attacks; which is a is happy situation, while 75 percent of those killed were in 25 Muslim-majority countries. Significantly, Ashley Tellis of Carnegie Endowment had said in 2012, “India being continuously subjected to terror actually suits many … India is a sponge that absorbs global terror.” Also, post the 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attacks in 2008, Tellis recommended to a Senate panel that US must go for the evisceration of the LeT and allied terrorist groups with or without the cooperation of Pakistan. But there is hardly any pressure on Pakistan. Pakistan was as big a country with nuclear weapons in 2001 when Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State threatened Pakistan to join the global war on terror (GWOT) or they would be “bombed into stone age”.

Late MK Dhar, former Joint Director IB wrote in his book Open Secrets – India’s intelligence unveiled published in 2005, “I continued to advocate for an aggressive and proactive counter and forward intelligence thrust against Pakistan. My voice was rarely heard and mostly ignored. The Pakistani establishment is a geopolitical bully. The best response to blunt such a bully is to take the war inside his home. India has allowed itself to be blackmailed by Pakistan even before it went nuclear. The sabre rattling of ‘coercive diplomacy’, which is nothing but sterile military power, cannot convince the Islamist Pakistani Establishment that India can take the border skirmishes inside their homes and hit at the very roots of the jaundiced Islamist groups.” Dhar was obviously referring these recommendations while he was in service, much before he wrote the book post retirement.

Similarly, Jaswant Singh, former Foreign Minister and Defence Minister wrote in his book A Call to Honour, “Terrorism in India – as an aspect of our current history, now virtually an ideology, a new tool of coercion in the conduct of internal and external relations — has redefined both internal and international relations — has redefined both inter-state and intrastate dynamism. There are issues here that we have, sadly, neither sufficiently grasped nor addressed. Whatever we have done has been ad hoc. This is a sure recipe for ultimate failure”. If any more proof was needed we are a soft state, Army’s sub-conventional warfare doctrine, a preamble of which was signed by Defence Minister AK Anthony, is confined to its own side of the border.

Special forces have been employed in conjunction national intelligence agencies to good effect by USA, UK, France, Israel, Germany and China, but despite being subjected to terror for decades and continuing voids in strategic intelligence this has not happened in India. We have a host of special forces that must be used in conjunction intelligence agencies to control Pakistani fault-lines since these forces operate without or with ambiguous signatures.

We are thinking that it is the India’s problem, no it is the world problem where specific community thinks that with terror they can make the peace. Why not have a strategy to knuckle up this community?  Islamic States (IS) scared of Isreal, why so? Because they will revert back.

France made such policies after a terror attack that everyone become suspicious there so that give fear to these terrorists.  Although the common people life also get affected but it hard to compromise with terrorist.

We all remember the day when terrorists hostage a large number of people in the Theater of Moscow. It was a tragedy but Russian Government didn’t compromise and killed all the terrorist but unfortunately due to gas leakage all the people in the theater were died.  This put the example of how will Russia react  if they will attack. After one or two more attacks were happened in Russia but Russia was on same stands never compromise with terrorism.

There must be the answer that need to find out what should be the best way to answer these activities to save the prosperity and peace of any country.

Learn India Learn!!

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